What the King of Norway said about life, you and me, and suicide…
King Harald just spoke about it. He just lost his friend in suicide. He could have done the standard formal condolences, but he did not. He used TV to talk about it with the energy of a mentor, father, and King.
Five million Norwegians have seen his friend and he became our friend on TV. Hip energy, warm, one of the most smiling, joking, glowing person you see on the screen, a father, a poet, and a great spark of life and light – if you sit on the outside and dont know his feelings…
His name is and was Ari Behn and he has left us.
I have also lost a mate to suicide, and a family member of mine have tried many times. I also had a cup of coofee with Ari Behn and I do remember that he had a extra level of charisma and that he sounded like a river of life…. – so I was listening carefully when our King hold a speech on New Years eve.
One of his fine quotes was:
” be there for each other, see each other, remember to give each other the good words, and carry each other if needed”
King Harald of Norway.
I will print that quote and hang it on the wall.

100 kart på vei ut til Bokandleren på Tofte ?
Fornøyd med disse “inspirasjonskartene”.
Neste versjon blir uten bilder og kartnåler og det vil si: rene turkart ?
Made two new outdoor maps for “Nye Asker”. Printing today. Size: 50 x 70 cm. In sale next week ( I hope) :-)

Happy food (I have tried it, it works) (Motivation? – the last point is “drink wine!” )

Food and Mood
Felice Jacket, – she is Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiological Psychiatry and Head of the Food and Mood Center at Deakin University in Melbourne.
Jacka is considered a world-leading expert on how food affects both everyday mood swings and serious mental illnesses. She is also a leader in the International Association for Research on Nutritional Psychiatry. She recently published the book “Brain Changer – How Diet Can Save Your Mental Health”.
I have some experiences with various personal testing of what she writes about and have very good experiences.
The text under is the ten points from the book “Happy Food” and a article in www.vg.no as a “plus article”
Happy food
- Eat vegetables for all meals, preferably green leafy vegetables and tomatoes every day. Up to one potato a day.
- Eat whole grains every day, the amount depends on how physically active you are.
- Eat legumes three to four times a week, also in the form of, for example, hummus.
- Choose fruits, vegetables and nuts as a snack. Eat three fruits a day and 1⁄2 dl of unsalted nuts or seeds. 2 dl olives is also a good choice.
- Eat oily fish at least twice a week. Eat eggs almost every day, and a maximum of six a week.
- Eat lean red meat three to four times a week, limiting the amount to 65-100 grams at a time.
- Eat dairy products two to three times a day, such as feta cheese, hard cheese, ricotta or natural yogurt.
- Use olive oil as standard fat, about 0.6 dl of cold pressed virgin oil every day.
- Stay away from sugar. Eat sweets only exceptionally.
- Water is the best drink. Drink a maximum of one to two glasses of wine a day.
Source: The book: Happy Food, by Henrik Ennart and Niklas Ekstedt
Rondane 2020 (lets go!) (literally ) #hiking #Rondane
Looking on the path from Sjusjøen/Hornsjøen to Rondane.
110 Km og path in nature and often on high ground (mountain).
8-10 cabins (DNT / Inatur) between the two destinations.
800-1000 tent spots….
The exit in the end is Otta where the train goes back to the tiger city ( Oslo )

On Randonee to Rondane?
Okay, we’ll take boots, but there was one nice rhyme there …. Randonee to Rondane ? ( and yepp, it goes well with Mountain skiis, but lets look on paths and boots first… )
I think as follows:
Leave the cabins behind you, start at Hornsjø and go straight north and into the countryside. The Djupslia hut is after 20 Km and is a nice hike on day one.
You choose your own speed and travel destination after this and the next cabins and arches have the following distance from Hornsjø:
Vetåbua (DNT) after about 35 Km, Saubua cabin (Inatur) after 41 Km, Svælhøgdbua after 46 Km (an open stone cabin), Jammerdalsbua (DNT) after 53 Km, cabins and hotels with Spidsbergseter and / or Forrestadseter after about 75 Km, Eldabu (DNT) after 89 Km and then you reach Rondvassbu after 110 Km.
The ride up to the Rondslottet at 2178 moh is 6 km uphill from Rondvassbu
You have mostly downhill of 23 km to civilization, train and E6 at Otta in the exit.
The shortest trick in the book is 6.2 Km to Spranget parking which is a toll road and gives you Taxi or car pickup.
Ytre Hvaler Nasjonalpark
Ny dag med Oslofjordens Friluftsråd og i dag for:
Ytre Hvaler nasjonalpark:
En norsk nasjonalpark som ligger i kyst– og skjærgårdslandskapet i Østfold. Parken ble opprettet 26. juni 2009, for å «bevare et egenartet, stort og relativt urørt naturområde ved kysten i Sørøst-Norge, bevare et undersjøisk landskap med variert bunntopografi, og bevare økosystemer på land og i sjø med naturlig forekommende arter og bestander, kystlandskap med sjøoverflate og havbunn med korallrev, hard- og bløtbunn.»[1] og den dekker et område på 354 km², hvorav 340 km² er sjøareal.
Nasjonalparken ligger i kommunene Fredrikstad og Hvaler; og den erstatter de fire tidligere sjøfuglreservatene Akerøya, Heia, Møren og Søndre Søster. Parken grenser opp til den svenske Kosterhavet nationalpark som ble opprettet samtidig.