The news: “drink 14 pints a week or get dementia” – ( Source: My mate Lars , a psychiatry research manager at Aging and Health, and Nettavisen ?) #drink14beeravoiddementia
- The News are from Norway/GB and I am not kidding you…… (Source: here)
- I am educated in beer ( and I am not kidding you (nr 2) – I am a Beer Sommelier from )
- Yes, you will read that 2 beers a week also is fine (but that is not a good headline is it….)

The news:
A new and comprehensive study published in the British journal British Medical Journal (BMJ) shows that your alcohol intake can affect the risk of developing dementia – and that not only is too high an alcohol intake that can increase the risk of dementia, but that no (zero) alcohol can have the same effect.
A evening with photography, posing and silhouettes in nature (can’t aford a model, so I am the model ?)
Yesterdays ego-posing to find the right distance and kind of natural pose.
I found that: person smalest, trees bigest, gives the best shot.
My volume of kilometers of cycling, running and walking during 2019
Training and activity 2019:
I have now analyzed my walking, cycling and running figures from last year and I am now making a battle plan.
A battle plan for how I can increase the number of kilometers, increase the number with training sessions, and most importantly how to beat my best mate Lars in 100% of all the above in 2020.
( The main goal is to be 99 years old, walk, talk and have a pint on Saturdays…)
Here are my numbers for 2019:
The whole shabang (run, walk, cycling):
The running:
The walking:
Old boats will be nano plastic and the first scientists quietly whisper about nano plastic penetration into a species called homo sapiens
I took this photos this week. I have 100 more.
Boat wreckage with “no owner” is a growing problem in the fjord of Oslo and I work 50% for
Ca 150 boats found floating / half-floating last year and the number of boats on the bootom of the Oslofjord is said to be ca 1500 ( numbers from divers and pro partners )