What Im missing, 17 May 1012

My prince, the next king, Ernst Jostein. He will never never never be as good looking as his father, but he will be smarter. 😉 He is “hel ved”. Find a Norwegian, learn the saying 😉 From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Dont do expeditions on Norways big day !

17.5.2011, was planning to do 100 km, the first of 3300 km cycling Norway, North – South – Mysen. Starting wild, The most north spot in Norway, ” Nordkapp”. Came 30 km. Snowing with a wind that blew two camping cars of the road. Im not kidding you See the photos on my www.theshirt.no or … Read more

How to come out of a water trap in Romania.

Iv published a youtube video where it looks like Im arrested. (youtube / beerbearbar is my nick ) Im not, Iv been helped and got super service ala Romania. Last evening by fishermen. To day by the boarder police. Again.. I got trapped, again, by waves and a wind we call “stiv kuling” in Norway. … Read more

Best restaurant in Romania #fishermen #donau

Okay, it was 23.56 on my watch before you started, but the fish was exelent Premier League ! Say hello to the Iron Gate nr 2 from me. Good luck with the fishing this evening to “Hotel California, 680” From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉