Yesterdays ego-posing to find the right distance and kind of natural pose.
I found that: person smalest, trees bigest, gives the best shot.
Yesterdays ego-posing to find the right distance and kind of natural pose.
I found that: person smalest, trees bigest, gives the best shot.
I have now analyzed my walking, cycling and running figures from last year and I am now making a battle plan.
A battle plan for how I can increase the number of kilometers, increase the number with training sessions, and most importantly how to beat my best mate Lars in 100% of all the above in 2020.
( The main goal is to be 99 years old, walk, talk and have a pint on Saturdays…)
The whole shabang (run, walk, cycling):
The running:
The walking:
I took this photos this week. I have 100 more.
Boat wreckage with “no owner” is a growing problem in the fjord of Oslo and I work 50% for
Ca 150 boats found floating / half-floating last year and the number of boats on the bootom of the Oslofjord is said to be ca 1500 ( numbers from divers and pro partners )
King Harald just spoke about it. He just lost his friend in suicide. He could have done the standard formal condolences, but he did not. He used TV to talk about it with the energy of a mentor, father, and King.
Five million Norwegians have seen his friend and he became our friend on TV. Hip energy, warm, one of the most smiling, joking, glowing person you see on the screen, a father, a poet, and a great spark of life and light – if you sit on the outside and dont know his feelings…
His name is and was Ari Behn and he has left us.
I have also lost a mate to suicide, and a family member of mine have tried many times. I also had a cup of coofee with Ari Behn and I do remember that he had a extra level of charisma and that he sounded like a river of life…. – so I was listening carefully when our King hold a speech on New Years eve.
One of his fine quotes was:
I will print that quote and hang it on the wall.