Hi ! Im Ursus
From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
Whats the chance of paddling around the corner in the inner part of Romani and find a mini bay, 2 meter to the bed, with a paddler whos the owner, whos also a German, that speaks brilliant English, with low price for the bed, who drives you to all the tools you need for the … Read more
Ralf, the German doctor and the best chef in Romani, his Romanian wife, Loredana, have this old beauty as a portal to their garden… You got the name ? From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
So I left my tent up the stream. Big mistake… Iv got new information, and I will sleep under trees for some more times. I like that a lot !!!! when I know what’s around. But I dont know what’s around now. But, again… Iv got my mosquito net in the village, and with duck … Read more
Need to by mosqito nett, new maps, and Iv met Max (photo) , Ralf, super German, the Max owner, helps me to plan the next leg in to Iron Gate. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
This is Romania, Donau. If you want a stone face… Call Daniel. It cost 10 million Euro 😉 and you have to pretty. Like me. Then… Serious; – any one with info about this very nice place? I could read “Rex” and knows thats king… But 25 degrees and after the boiling pot, so I … Read more
Lucky in the Boiling Pot. Not head wind and paddling was like a cold beer in Copenhagen or a soft evening with Marianne from Elevenrooms 😉 Thanks Bad Chef, super mate Mr Jugoslav, for giving me knowledge. Your St Peter was with me 😉 From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or … Read more
If you ask a Norwegian. Anyone or me, how our nature is, we will say super pretty and beautiful. The fact; The sad record is 15 dead in one winter. The nature took them. The weather… So we made the Mountain Commands. I used them cycling to South Africa. I think you can cycle or … Read more
Back up if to much front wind is Jeselinca. If storm 😉 then its Dubova. But this looks like a great day for me paddling and you looking and Goggling Twitter name @rodekorsnorge From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
I have crossed boarders in 40 countries. Alone, dirty, sweaty, and thats with a cycle or a paddling board. The worst was Russia in to Estonia with second worst place; Sudan. Super people. Bad boarder control.. You have to have a smile, or the thought; hey, he is a visitor in my country. Lets check … Read more