Marianne, Costin, Ingar (Intern )

Marianne, jeg er trygg. Fått telt og sover hos fiskere på 860. Må spare batteri, kjører denne meldingen via mob. Er gjennom Iron Gate 2. Meld Ingar jeg ikke kan ringe. Meld Costin jeg ringer i morg. Haster ikke… Full stop fordi mørket kom og melding fra Costin nr 1 Bjorn, I hope you ge … Read more

The only real backpacing paddler are sharing !!

Backpacking is that cool word, that cool thing to do, and its also a image. Iv met backpackers who stay in the most expensive hotels, but hang out on the city shouting “Im a backpacker and living the free life” Nice, but…. Lets go the free soul, the real deal, the old school backpacker and … Read more

Costin Olentia 430 say .. #paddling #donau

Costin say; I use for Negotin (Serbia) which is the closest point to your location now ( Orsovo/,Romania ) and it says: Before noon wind from ENE up to 9 km/h. In the afternoon, the same direction but intensifies up to 19km/h. Rain almost all day long. Temperature 12degrees C maximum. Not a wonderful … Read more

To Costin / Jugo, why stop before Iron Door today

Mates, dont know if this work, but I tried post a video from this morning..; From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Media. Serbia. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

In the hands of the Romanian police again…

0720 GMT, making a deal with Ralf. The waves are getting higher you’ll follow me on your binoculars, yes ! Nice !Thanks 0730 GMT, paddling out of Ralfs Casa Verde, Orsova. 0810, wind and waves escalating, Donau gets white, Im using 100% of my engine to keep the balance, waves cutting over my board, dry … Read more