903 km done. Beilngries.

What, stand up paddling. Where, channel Main, German city Beilngries now. Why, attention for Red Cross, missing children Next, some km to Donau then swooosh to the Black Sea. Finish, after 4000 km From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

The doctor say to the paddling man

Yes, I now I get no sympathy when out and around, but.. For the next one who want to go far. I have advice. Check your body before your body say full stop. So do a check every one third of the long trip. And for me, this is my log to remember what I … Read more

Why dont we do this in Scandinavia ?

Is it the French who invented this ? Well, if so, the Germans carried on, and in the style its a lot of nice variations… Soooo… Why dont we do this in Scandinavia ? From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Dear Mr President Obama

-met a group of your fine soldiers in Bamberg. Friendly. Fine. And sponsored me with a box with snuff and a round of schnaps. I dont have any more of that bad snuff habit on my ship. Its my worst habit and also my best pal so… Consider to give your Bamberg lot a week … Read more

If you need friends in Germany. #maindonauchannel

After Bamberg, when you are on the cycling or paddling path to Nürnberg. The cycling path is on the shoulder of the Main Donau Channel. The signs are clear. The system is organized. Hello, your in Germany, they invented the word organized… Then, do a full stop in Mörendorf. I did that. Im there now. … Read more

Try Bamberg !

Iv left Bamberg or “kleine Venezia” as the Germans call the city. The best Iv seen so far and that’s with Aschaffenburg and Wurzburg as two very close favorite pearls on the river Main. If you like cycling, this is a route to try. If you like paddling, start in Bamberg and go with the … Read more


Bamberg. 770 km, 383 km mot strøm. Stående. ingen har gjort det. Skal vi gi oss nå eller ta det svarte havet ? Kjakan sier kjør. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉