En god venn

Nei, jeg er ikke sponset. Den er bare veldig lett og fungerer hele tiden… Ikke så kos som bål. Ikke så fin som stormkjøkken. Ikke så tung og solid som modell nr 111 fra Heistamoen, men veldig kjekk i felt… From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Costin Super Romanian showing the way

Costin, TID Romania, have joined in to help and guide. Im getting closer to the Delta and the Black Sea. Im getting tired… So how is it to get the local Delta and Dunare knowledge on my right flank… Its like having Mike Tyson helping you in a fight, like Victoria Beckham helping you shoping, … Read more

Closer to Black Sea in front. This is on the chest.

Ingar, super mate behind that logo. ” Kraft” is power in Norwegian. Guess you know “team”, and that is take more then one to make things happen. Try the Teamkraft link after you visited rodekors.no #redcross #rodekorsnorge on Twitter. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Only the stupid paddle against the stream…

50 km today… I spot fishermen with boat. I love fishermen. They now this river.They dont know English. Bed ? Zimmer ? Pensione? Yes, up that river that hits Donau. I dont like upstream, Iv done that from Mainz to Bamberg, Im not doing upstream. Go in Barka, ship. So I enter their ship.Two sec, … Read more

What Im missing, 17 May 1012.

Marianne my lady. She hate Donau, paddling, cycling to Africa and when Im away. Last evening she said “I love you”. I will finish this trip and return. Ill triple return those words… – thats if my neighbour mate Erik has not moved in. 😉 . She is “hel sexy ved”. Find a Norwegian, learn … Read more

What Im missing, 17 May 1012.

My daughter, princess Elisabeth. She will never never be as good looking as her father, but she will be smarter. She is “hel ved”. Find a Norwegian, learn the saying 😉 The reason of white painting on her head is the intellectual ceremony in Norway, where the students go bananas for days before the final … Read more