- Read the weather and wind forecast ( www.yr.no ) before the two lakes ( Notodden going south and after Akkerhaugen )
- The forecast can be 3 meter/sec on land, but there is 5-6 on the lake…
- Lystang Camping is super nice.
- Plenty of wild camp spots on the east side of the “Norsjø” ( the big lake before Skottfoss/Skien )
- The nicest part is the river “Sauar”
- Big fish in the water.
- If you get tired etc.: Hike with boats or the ferry.
- If you have a car. Start from Notodden and return by train from Sauherad, Gvarv, or Skien.
- If you want the SUP I´m using: go www.sunesport.no
Bjorn @Heidenstrom on Twitter/Insta.