Bilder og programmet fra konferansen på Vestlia Resort er under.
Programmet er her:
I am working with books, speeches, as and consultant, and are curently working one bit for for Oslofjordens Friluftsråd (link) and a lot with my project and book about motivation. My published books is here (link) CV, work and projects exposed on Linkedin (here). My expeditions is here (link). @heidenstrom on Twitter / Instagram and … Read more
Hvorfor: * fordi jeg a) jeg blir litt skremt og litt sint når jeg ser hva noen produsenter putter i- eller jukser med informasjon i matproduksjon b) jeg vil ha sunnere mat uten tilsetninger c) jeg vil være en frisk, sunn, superbest utgave av bjørn…
Have not done any edit on photo, but will do that and use it in the book………….
Link: #notetoself: sjekk bra interaktiv grep som er rapport fra bruker om føreforhold.
I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: ‘Everesting’ on Everest –
“The last thing I remember before passing out was the pain. It had overtaken everything, hunching my back, and curling my fingers into claws pecking out incoherent thoughts on my laptop before finally collapsing….” What?: Extreme Athleticism Is the New Midlife Crisis People in middle age are flocking in record numbers to intense workouts and … Read more