Possible for you to take a beer or five tomorrow ?

I got this feeling that creating involvement and hype in 09/10 was easy. The Shirt did the trick.. The cycling was hard, Africa was a special nut to crack. But it went okay… Now Im just wasted. I feel like 300 years old. But not in 20 k from now. Then I need a mate to go nastarovia, slainte, cheers and skaal. Its Bamberg and 380 km up f#@*## stream is finito. Fine. End. Slutt. My brain works best by saying the next 3000 km i better. And I know it is. Its down, its south, its east its good…

Please donate. Ill give you the best moves to make it, if you want to try, and the best wine grapes to tell on a fancy party back home.

B. Main. Soon peak. tomorrow at 1900 .. hit the glas. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Main or @Donau 😉