I paddled far. So far that I went to Fahr

You have to give me cred for that play with superb letters and german villages..(.thanx ) and yes Im in a place called “Fahr”. – so to the next man trying, the Main river gives you a hell of punch after Dettelbach, splits in two, and if you have a 3699966 kilo ship you go … Read more

The big elephant have left my foot…

Its replaced by a smal zebra, but that dont hurt so much… 😉 so going on half speed and bet Ill make 20 k from Wurzburg and dreaming about Bamberg… Weather; i guess 20 … Hot in the dry suit 😉 From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

A wild guess about a smart one…

It was a German, Mr Rontgen, that discovered röntgen in this house. Told you, smart people this lot. And Im soon on fluent germansk language. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Bitte translate…

New signs have poped up. It looks like the waterman wants me to join the big ships.. ??? Im not doing that… If thats the note. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Done the white stripe..

Maps is fun.. Iv done Rhine and the white stripe on river Main. Im in Wurtzburg. The cross is Bamberg. Then its finito, stop, ende with up stream. Flat and some down to Donau. Ill meet Donau at a place kalled Kehlheim… If you have a BBQ and some nice Brattwurst… Please come… If you … Read more