Respect Austria !

Dont know if Austria have been lucky, but…. In 48 days of paddling the miles in this country has been the most natural. No man made river for many kilometers. Thats nice. Thats pretty…. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Lett your beard grow !

I was hoping for a life as a male model, but Iv crashed that vision and letting the face hair grow… Brad Pitt can take my role 😉 From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Can you see the castle?

The last super nature before Linz. In this part of Austria they have a castle or burg on every second hill ..;-) Nice leg of the country ! From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

Have a cold one for 1000 and 24 ?

Ill want ask you to donate to day, but hope you’ll find a cold one and stand up for my ship. Thats Kjakan 24 and he’s the first stand up paddling board on the planet who’s done Basel – Mainz – Bamberg and then Donau. 1000 done. 3000 to go. Still standing Prost. Skål. Nastarovia. … Read more

Den beste gaven en mann kan få.

Dag mye-og-tredve. For mye alene, for mye svett, for mye kan ikke forstå språket, men der kom gaven… Elisabeth skal hjelpe med koordinering og involvering. Jostein er tysk språkekspert. De er snille, høflige, og morsomme. De liker konseptet The Shirt. De liker å gi. De er rause. De er nysgjerrige. De er mine barn. Jeg … Read more