Do not visit me today if you’r vegetarian #donau #wildpig #bbq
The mate of the landlord have been in the forest… From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
The mate of the landlord have been in the forest… From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
Do never never never paddle the last 40 km from Austria to Slovakia. Take the buss, a car, cycle, run … Its streams, currents, demons, and to wild.. Im fine, finito and tired… 😉 but now starts a calmer leg … From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Donau
Best ryggsekk, thats a backpack, that I have is a Vaude. Did not know the label but its been great in 2 years of hard use. Do not know the company and now it impresses again. My dry suit got a damage and again the label popped out and fixed the job. Glue and Vaude … Read more
Thats print, and the nett is here Bjørn, @heidenstrom on Twitter, and on Doanau. 45 km to Wien…
Iv been in some countries. I like history. The all have one, but Germany and now in Austria have a very visual old history. A burg and a castle around every corner…. Or a building that shouts Im old ! 😉 From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
Made it to Melk today. Seeing a enormous castle, but to tired to go. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
Its before a water lock. Means its stupid to to paddle here… From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉
From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉