The best bed in Europe !

So its 28 celcius degrees, Im tired, Im alone, hungry, thirsty… Most of all lonely. Then the last beauty of Hungary turns up on my left. The name of the place; Baja. Where can I sleep is the first, eat is the second, shower is in between there…. Then behind me in a flat traditional … Read more

Thank you Laszlo & friends !!

Thanks for helping, the room, the super food and wine, and for being super friendly Hungarians ! Im on the river 😉 From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

On my knees in Budapest

Wind on my nose, 150 ships on the docks left side, did not count the boats and ships sailing on my right shoulder. Wind and boats makes rockn roll waves. Photos taken of pretty building on left and right… So… I was on my knees taking photos and trying not to be hit by a … Read more

Hungary could win the price

Im 30 km from Budapest. Done 50 today. Those 50 are the most natural and nice so far. Austria was in in the lead. Hungary are now in front.. Im talking about nature with no human hands who want to build a dam, a road, a power station, a …… Bjorn, nature romantic… 😉 From … Read more