Starting the work on my next book #Sjusjøen”

Working on my next book. Its about Sjusjøen, Norway and places around that lake.
This is Kroksjøen ca 3 Km north of Sjusjøen.
Lyseren is a lake located in Spydeberg municipality in Østfold and Enebakk municipality in Akershus.
The lake is naturally inhabited by a ra. The outlet is Smalelva, which flows south and out in Glomma close to where the Østfoldbanen crosses the river.
Besides rich stocks of fish and ducks, there is the local water bat at Lyseren.
Lyseren is a drinking water source for large parts of Spydeberg. There is a lot of cabins around the lake.
Facts: www.wikipedia.org
I met her in Asker, beside Brønnøya, and this lady is made by Colin.
Colin Archer (22 July 1832 – 8 February 1921) was a Norwegian naval architect and shipbuilder from Larvik, Norway.
He was known for building safe and durable ships including the Fram used in both Fridtjof Nansen’s and Roald Amundsen’s polar expeditions.