The best bed in Europe !
So its 28 celcius degrees, Im tired, Im alone, hungry, thirsty… Most of all lonely. Then the last beauty of Hungary turns up on my left. The name of the place; Baja. Where can I sleep is the first, eat is the second, shower is in between there…. Then behind me in a flat traditional Hungarian wood boat. The twin looka-like-brother of Vin Diesel with a twist of Italian. He asks what Im doing. I explain. He use 23 seconds to call his friends and I get a free sofa-sleeping-bed and an order to be ready in 30 minutes. River boat under the moon. Full speed and a raki stop. New pals, super Laszlo and Tinusz, and the destination is the owner of a hidden, but with the best fish soup in Europe. Stories told. Information given and new order. Be ready 0800 tomorrow, we’ll bring you coffee and breakfast. Then more help of how to go out of Hungary and in to Serbia and Croatia. Thats not like the boarder between Norway and Sweden…… Best info on the trip. The how to and what not to do. I used 1 hour on the river police control out of Hungary and just 2 hours on the Serbian side. My board was defined as a ship. The official registradet name in the Serbian police books is “Kjakan” and the ship number is 24. So full controll and record is perfect. Bjorn, Serbia, looking at the rain, thunder and lightning coming from the Croatia side… From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉