Collecting photos for a new trip book and this trip is not too far and it is one of the prettiest things I have seen in the Norwegian mountains. The place is called Urke. A ferry trip east of the Volda with a round trip of approx. 9 km with…
11. sep 2022 Drøbak kajakklubb, Hold Norge Rent, Oslofjordens Friluftsråd Stjernen på dagen var Geitebonde Helge som serverte ekstremt nydelig mat. Grillet geiteost fra Håøya er best i verden (sorry Hellas!)
Places: Mesna and Sjusjøen, Innlandet, Norway. 22-23 October 2021 Cam: Olympus. Perfect horse event: www.mesna.no My book about Sjusjøen: www.turinatur.no/produkt/turboker/drommefjellet-sjusjoen
Yesterdays ego-posing to find the right distance and kind of natural pose. I found that: person smalest, trees bigest, gives the best shot.
This is probably the most beautiful river I’v taken photos off. ( and I have done 3000 Km of paddling on Donau/Rhinen/Mainz) The the name of the river: