I guess the headline was made to drag attention, but Johan Remen Evenesen deserves that…
So whats the big news? Why did I shoot the smiling Evensen with a book and the Norwegian text “kommer snart”? (English; “comming soon” )
Johan has his book ready!!!
It’s personal, It’s about a man whom you’d enjoy having to your dinner tabel, and you can learn and enjoy his life as a skijumper betwwen the book cover that soon is in the book store. The name of the book is; “Flygeren” and yes!!! I’m having a hard time to translate that in a 100% clean English or in Polish. But I’ll go for: “The Flyer”
Nice to know about “The Flyer”:
I asked about the best page in the book. The answer came after 1/1000 second from Tom Hilde;
– “the best page is is page numer 101 – where he writes about me …” ( 😉 )
Geeky fact 1:
What Johan does not know (?) is that “Flyer 1” was the name of the first real plane that the Wright borthers had in the air. And my guess is that Mr Evensen goes the the same way – further and further – longer and longer….
Geeky fact 2:
It was not 246 meter, but 246.6 meter that JRE flyed…
JRE fact;
born 16 September 1985. A late bloomer, Evensen made his World Cup debut during the 2008–09 season at age 23, and earned a place in the Norwegian World Cup team. On 14 December 2008, Evensen finished on the podium for the first time in his career, when he finished third in the World Cup event at Pragelato. On 11 February 2011, Evensen made the world’s longest ski jump with 246,5 meters in the ski flying qualification round at Vikersund, Norway. The following day he won his first world cup competition in the main event.
RT and share “The flyer” – JRE have his web site here and is @johanevensen on Twitter.
Bjorn @heidenstrom on Twitter and soon on “The Flyer”
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