I’ll serve you 100 different fish meals in 40 days from now #backpacking #danube

In 40 days from now I’ll can you a lot of different Fish meals… Not cod in 100 ways, but 100 differnt species.

I can also promise you facts, a honest touch on every meter and every place I’ll float by. If you like traveling (?) I can serve you more than fish. I can serve you new places that you have not heard about and the reasons to travel there.

The bonus; my own pictures where I shoot 1000 of them every day and it’s always one who turns out good” …:-)

Crossing through ten countries and draining the territory of 19 countries, the Danube is the most international river in the world. In addition to the 83 million people living in the river basin, the Danube is home to globally important species of flora and fauna.

In its 2,780 km course from Germany’s Black Forest to its outlet at the Black Sea, the Danube basin supports a diverse system of natural habitats and unique biological diversity. The Danube River Basin has more than 100 different species of fish – including five sturgeon species – and it is home to rare birds like the white pelican, white tailed eagle and black stork

And more cool facts about the nature side via Defending the Danube | International Rivers.

Bjorn @Heidenstrom on Twitter and 40 days to the paddling starts.