Dog owners vs dog – look and behave alike! #romoeren #dogvsowner

I find myself digging in to dog articles in the Norwegian rain….

This is my service today – a link to serious one….;-) .., Youtube, it’s about how the dog often have the profile and the look as the owner. I was inspired by the meeting with the skijumper; Bjørn Einar Romøren (@romoeren on twitter ) yesterday. A very good metting, constructive chat, but not not as fantastic as to see and reflect ower the facts:

Dog owners and the dog has the same personal profile and look:

Glenn Frank  Fiddich (yep!, that’s his name) (to the left, under!!) and his dad & owner @Romoeren, not 100% twins but…, and you should see the walk, the talk, and the personal profile.

Thanks!! Please share your look dog-alikes! #dogvsowner

Bjorn @heidenstrom on Twitter and the owne of a tal, smart, handsome, pretty, athletehe of a dog; Bonzo the Cairn Terrier