Have a cold one for 1000 and 24 ?

Ill want ask you to donate to day, but hope you’ll find a cold one and stand up for my ship. Thats Kjakan 24 and he’s the first stand up paddling board on the planet who’s done Basel – Mainz – Bamberg and then Donau. 1000 done. 3000 to go. Still standing Prost. Skål. Nastarovia. Slainte. Terviseks. Kippis. Or cheers… Bjorn. Skipper.

From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Donau 😉

Den beste gaven en mann kan få.

Dag mye-og-tredve. For mye alene, for mye svett, for mye kan ikke forstå språket, men der kom gaven… Elisabeth skal hjelpe med koordinering og involvering. Jostein er tysk språkekspert. De er snille, høflige, og morsomme. De liker konseptet The Shirt. De liker å gi. De er rause. De er nysgjerrige.

De er mine barn. Jeg treffer dem hver frokost og til kvelds i syv dager nå. Det er verdens beste gave… Og når det er ferdig. Hvis du ikke vet hvor bra du har det. Prøv noe annet noen dager…. Da setter man virkelig pris på ting. From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

903 km done. Beilngries.

What, stand up paddling. Where, channel Main, German city Beilngries now. Why, attention for Red Cross, missing children Next, some km to Donau then swooosh to the Black Sea. Finish, after 4000 km From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉

The doctor say to the paddling man

Yes, I now I get no sympathy when out and around, but.. For the next one who want to go far. I have advice.

Check your body before your body say full stop. So do a check every one third of the long trip. And for me, this is my log to remember what I did where. Today. 2.4.12 Arms burning for 30 days, German doctor say, be careful, you are close to fail. Went head first in to river, 10 days ago. Doctor say today, it looks great. No worries. Neck is disturbing, doctor say, lets brake it up ( and he did. Thought he killed me, but great feeling after )

ca 80 k to Donau, and doctor say, have a nice trip, but be carefull.

I say, have a good trip,and be safe.

I learn a lot from www.teamkraft.no , one thing, listen from the one who knows better than you, like a German doctor, but dont quit if you feel pain or it starts to rain… 😉

From my Nokia. Im @heidenstrom on Twitter and @Rhine @Main or @Donau 😉